Goleto Abbey is entrusted to the custody of the new rector Don Salvatore Sciannamea together with Father Jonathan Cuxil, who will form a fraternity diocesan priesthood. The services and spiritual care of this place they will continue to be available and welcome to anyone, for different reasons, will want to visit and stop in the abbey.
The services offered in the public, ecclesial and community form are:
- Monday to Saturday: Office of Readings and Lauds at 7.00
- Monday to Friday: Vespers and Eucharistic CelebraAon at 18.00
- Sunday morning Lauds at 7:00, Eucharistic CelebraAon at 18:00
- the rector is always available for the reception, the guide in the abbey, the meeting spirituality, personal confessions and any other possible form of dialogue.
It is always advisable to advise, when possible, to be welcomed and not to wander for the monumental complex, which basically remains a place of silence and of prayer. It is also possible to welcome groups for daily spiritual retreats.
On the other hand, for a stay of several days it is possible only up to two people, with strong spiritual moAvaAons both for consecrated men and women and priests and for laity in journey of research and faith.
Cultural and spiritual initiatives specific to the abbey will be presented from time to timeme both on the diocesan website ( and on the website ( and the Facebook page of the abbey (@abbaziadelgoleto).
For any other initiative by public or private entities, as in the past, it is necessary make agreements with the diocese (Social CommunicaAons Office and Cultural Heritage Office, who report to the Bishop, to the e-mail and with the rector of the abbey.
The principle remains that all people are welcome at Goleto, not all initiatives are possible.
Trusting in the help of the Lord, in the protection of San Luca, San Guglielmo and the blessed Charles De Foucauld, the Goleto will conAnue to be a place of prayer, of spirituality and hospitality of the pilgrim man in search, which he stops for discover the meaning of life and the presence of God.